- 133 Nguyễn Chí Thanh, P. 9, Q. 5, TP. HCM
- +84901 00 91 91
- 12 Hạ Yên, P. Yên Hoà, Q. Cầu Giấy, HN
- +84901 82 59 19
Quận 5, TP. Hồ Chí Minh
Số 14 Ngõ 25A Lê Văn Lương
Quận Cầu Giấy, Hà nội
D.O.E Cambodia is glad to inform that we will display at Dental Council of Cambodia Conference.
👍Our booth location: 64,68
1/ Topic: Enhancing Innovative and Evidenced-based Dentistry
2/ Date: September, 12th -13th, 2024
3/ Location: Sokha Hotel and Resident, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Please come to our booth and get promotion from us. ♥️
📞 0834 019 119
🌐 doevietnam.com
📧 doecambodia@gmail.com