VP Hồ Chí Minh

133 Nguyễn Chí Thanh

Quận 5, TP. Hồ Chí Minh

Số 14 Ngõ 25A Lê Văn Lương

Quận Cầu Giấy, Hà nội

Cây giữ đầu chổi

Mô tả

For innovative and astoundingly easy restoration of anterior teeth. COMPONEER is an easyto- use system for restoring anterior teeth. COMPONEER are polymerised, prefabricated nano-hybrid-composite enamel shells that combine the advantages of direct composite restoration with the advantages of prefabricated veneers. Patients can be given a naturally aesthetic smile in just a single session, and come away smiling – with a “smile to go”.

• easy-to-use and efficient

• quality aesthetic dental restoration in just a single session

• extremely thin veneers allow for a high level of conservation of hard tooth substance during preparation

• novel micro-retentive inner surface increases wettability and ensures a lasting bond

• easy to customise with composite

• wide range of uses in aesthetic and clinical applications

Thông tin đặt hàng

COMPONEER Brushholder Black Mã Số
Cây giữ đầu chổi màu đen, 1 cây  60011111
Đầu chổi Brushes (50 cái/bịch)  60011112
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